Growth, growth and more growth is what we are about at Hindsight Wealth. If your super performance doesn't quite look like the graph above, perhaps it's time to do something about it?
The last 12 months really should serve as an excellent test for your super fund.
Investment markets around the world continue to perform strongly. 2017 is continuing to be a very positive year for domestic and international investment markets, and this should have translated to strong returns on your super fund.
You should consider structuring your super fund to take advantage of this by investing in a personalised portfolio that is appropriate to your investor profile with your funds spread across all the different asset classes.
At the time of writing, the local All Ordinaries Index (a measure of the broader Australian stock market) is sitting just over 6100 points. An increase of some 14% from its level 12 months ago.
Whilst markets have been performing strongly, the All Ordinaries is still well below its pre-GFC high of 6873 points in November 2007.
In addition to capital growth, the last 12 months has since strong dividend yields which has provided a strong boost to the unit holdings within our super funds.
Consider this. Our local market has to go up by at least another 13% to get back to where it was almost exactly 10 years ago.
On top of that, it has to make up for the gains that it should have made over that 10 year period.
Don’t miss out on the current opportunity simply because you’ve put your superannuation in the “too hard basket”.
We have a “click and flick” service whereby you can just take a photo or scan your latest super statement and send it through to me for a general review.
We also have an “Uber chat and ride” service for those of you in the CBD. I’ll cover your Uber ride to and from my office during the day if you want to catch up for a coffee. I can’t make it any easier than that.
Don’t leave it until it’s too late. By consolidating your super now and investing it appropriately, you’ll be making a big difference to your future retirement outcome.
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