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Showing posts from 2017

Is Your Life On Track?

A complimentary review of your super and insurances is the first step we take with you at Hindsightwealth.  Put it on your new year resolution  "to - do" list. Andrew O’Brien and Hindsight Group Pty Ltd t/as Hindsight Wealth Pty Ltd (ABN 88 168 442 528) are Authorised Representatives of Affinia Financial Advisers Limited ABN 13085335397 & AFS Licence No 237857. The material contains general advice only and the consumer should consider the PDS and whether the product is appropriate prior to making a decision to buy.

Has Your Super Fund Done This?

Growth, growth and more growth is what we are about at Hindsight Wealth. If your super performance doesn't quite look like the graph above, perhaps it's time to do something about it? The last 12 months really should serve as an excellent test for your super fund. Investment markets around the world continue to perform strongly. 2017 is continuing to be a very positive year for domestic and international investment markets, and this should have translated to strong returns on your super fund. You should consider structuring your super fund to take advantage of this by investing in a personalised portfolio that is appropriate to your investor profile with your funds spread across all the different asset classes.  At the time of writing, the local All Ordinaries Index (a measure of the broader Australian stock market) is sitting just over 6100 points. An increase of some 14% from its level 12 months ago.  Whilst markets have been performing ...

Click It and Flick It Your Super Statement that is, to Me.

Click It and Flick It Your Super Statement that is, to Me.

Click It and Flick It To Me.

Financial Services For You Working in the Resource Industry

How Does The "Uber Chat & Ride" Offer Work?

I have had a few clients of late take me up on my offer of a  “Uber Ride &Chat” meeting.   It’s all designed to make your time and our meeting more valuable, hassle free and easy to review your latest super statement & insurances.  How it works.  Let’s make a time to meet at the Hindsightwealth Hamilton office. I’ll arrange and pay for in advance, your Uber ride from Brisbane CBD return. I will text you and screen shot the Uber confirmed pick up time, location and your Uber Driver detail. They will deliver you safely to Hamilton. Let me know your coffee or tea preference when we make our appointment – it will be ready waiting for your arrival. Lunch is on me.  A client opted for a lunch time meeting and needed it capped to 1 hour. No problem at all. In fact, we have a café close by that delivers great sandwiches which I can arrange for you if you choose to visit over lunch. Should we need to meet again  – need...

The Steps I Took In Making My Injury Claim

I've Got Your Uber Ride.

Many of you are keen to meet and chat about your latest Super Statement which is terrific!  However, it’s finding that time to come out to our Hamilton Office. If you are Brisbane CBD located, I’ll cover your return Uber ride to visit us Portside to kick start your Super Statement review.  If you would like to “ Uber Ride & Chat ”, let’s make a diary date soon. I also hear what people who work in the mines or FIFO are saying in regional Queensland.  It perhaps can be the last thing you want to do after a hitch with so many family, social and personal “to – do” lists to conquer. I visit regional hubs throughout the year and will always let you know when I am in town.  If there are a few of you, with or without your significant other, who would like to block out some time to discuss your latest super Statement, I’ll happily book a flight and meeting space for us to catch up. At the outset, it might be you are keen to find out how I ...

Are You Starting Again?

For those of you currently working in the resources industry, you would no doubt understand that the potential downside is the punishing rosters and long periods away from home that can take a toll on your family and personal life. Sure, the money is good for the most part, but it comes at a cost. Unfortunately, many marriages suffer irreparably and many industry workers find themselves having to “start again” after relationship breakdown and divorce.  It can be an extremely difficult time and apart from the emotional strain, there’s the stress of having to rebuild financially.  Quite often, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re left with minimal assets and essentially must start again. In this situation, it’s critical to make sure you have your superannuation structured and invested correctly. If you’ve come through a divorce with your superannuation intact, it may end up being your biggest asset. You really need to get it working for you. The othe...

BIG Change to Superannuation Landscape. Does it Affect You?

As of July 1st this year, Queensland’s largest and Australia’s second largest super fund, QSuper, will no longer be the only choice for Queensland’s largest employer, the Queensland Government. The below is an excerpt from an email recently sent to all Queensland Government employees: Colleagues, From July 2017 you will be able to choose your superannuation provider. This change aligns superannuation arrangements in the Queensland public sector to those that have applied to public servants in nearly all other states and the Commonwealth for some time. So why is this such a big deal? Basically, it means that Queensland’s largest collective of employees now has access to Super Choice, a benefit that non-government employees have had access to for years. The Queensland Government has over 215,000 full-time equivalent employees, to put that in perspective, Townsville is one of Australia’s largest urban centres with a population of around 190,000. Whilst some public servants...