In November last year I published a post called Time to Risk Assess your Super and Insurance and since that time (almost 12 months) the relevance of that post certainly hasn't decreased, in fact I think it’s increased.
In the last year there has been little improvement in the resource industry. Redundancies continue, and to make things worse, industry super funds continue to provide very poor returns despite solid gains on local equity markets.
We have little control over the state of the resources industry.
However, we can control where our super is invested and how our insurance is structured.
Be curious.
Check your recent statement from your super fund which you should have received over the last few weeks.
If you’re not happy with the returns, don’t ignore it. Do something about it. After all, it’s your money.
My time as a Site Senior Executive (SSE) in the Queensland Resources Industry has taught me many things.
The most powerful is that of the simple risk assessment.
You effectively live and breath SLAMS, TAKE 5’s , HAZOBs, JSAs on a daily basis at work.
Every task you undertake you risk assess. You identify the hazard, assess the risk, put controls in place, measure the result and monitor.
It’s such a simple and powerful concept that we should apply it to other aspects of our lives - our finances for instance and more specifically our superannuation and insurances.
Be informed.
So really, your superannuation and insurance needs should be risk assessed regularly.
Take the time (it will only take you 5 minutes) to do your own risk assessment and if you identify some hazards and risks, I’d be more than happy to assist you with the control measures, the measuring and the monitoring.
Be ready for the future you.
We at Hindsight Wealth don't charge for consultations.
We don't charge you for a professionally prepared Statement of Advice that we provide to you complimentary after we meet.
If you’d like to risk assess your superannuation and insurance options - lets make the time.
I don’t charge anything for a coffee and a chat (or a Skype session if that suits) and the best thing is…… don’t need PPE to visit our Newstead office.
The last few weeks have been extraordinary to say the least. We’re battling a world wide health crisis and we face uncertainty in many aspects of our lives. It’s true that there are simply some things beyond our control and we will more than likely see many changes to our everyday lives for the remainder of 2020 and beyond. So, what can be done? On the other side of this, many people will be left with dramatic financial stress, whether it be periods of unemployment, depleted cash reserves or battered superannuation balances. And for many, timing will be an issue. Those who were weeks ago contemplating retirement may now need to change their plans. And those that are still accumulating for retirement have more than likely just seen their investments and superannuation return to levels of 5 or 6 years ago. Essentially the clock has be wound back in one way or another. It may well be a good time to take stock and lay some foundations for when thing...
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