Financial planning . That’s for people with lots of money to invest, isn’t it? Not necessarily. Sure, investment planning is an important part of financial planning, but underpinning the whole process of creating wealth in the first place is having a good financial strategy. For many people that strategy is taking each day as it comes and letting the future look after itself; but in a complex and ever-changing world, isn’t a more active approach a good idea? Each of us has specific needs and desires, of course, but there are a number of common challenges that we need to think about when developing our financial strategies. Stage of life. Baby boomers (born 1946-1964) are moving into retirement in droves so Gen X (1965-1976) is taking on the mantle of being the great wealth accumulators. For the most part, this generation has their strategies in place: pay down the mortgage, contribute to super, maybe buy an investment property, and wait for the kids to leave home. Ge...
Articles, Personal Finance Topics of Interest,Your Investments and You.