For those of you working in the resources industry, you would no doubt understand the potential downside is the punishing rosters and long periods away from home that can take a toll on family and personal life. Sure, the money is good for the most part, but it comes at a cost. Unfortunately, some marriages suffer irreparably and many find themselves having to “start over” after relationship breakdown or divorce. It can be an extremely difficult time and apart from the emotional strain, there’s the stress of having to rebuild financially. You may find yourself in a situation where you’re left with minimal assets and essentially must start over. In this situation, it’s critical to make sure you have your superannuation structured and invested correctly. If you’ve come through a divorce with your superannuation intact, it may end up being your biggest asset. You really need to get it working for you and you need to make sure your income is adequately insured....
Articles, Personal Finance Topics of Interest,Your Investments and You.