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Showing posts from July, 2016

TAL - Insuring This Australian Life

The TAL Imaginarium - MoneySmart Week 2014 - TAL Life Insurance

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the 2016/2017 financial year. No doubt you’re all enjoying your new cars and computers that you rushed out and bought before June 30. Or like most people, you probably didn’t realise that July 1st marks the start of the new financial year. Don’t’ worry, this is not going to be one of those “let’s look back over the last 12 months” articles where we remember which celebrities are no longer, or who won major sporting events (although go the Maroons!). But I think it important to give some brief consideration to how our local investment markets have performed and how this has translated to our super funds. Believe it or not, it’s been a fairly stagnant year as I write this. Our local markets are set to finish pretty much where they started 12 months ago. A little hard to believe given the recent Brexit debacle where we were all told it was the end of the world financially. So what should we expect from the next 12 months? Well, nobody knows. However, there is ...

Book your free consult & be in the draw to win Bronco tickets

Book and have your free Statement of Advice consult with Andrew O’Brien of Hindsight Wealth before the Bronco’s Vs Panthers game Friday 22 July, 2016 at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane to be in the draw to win a family ticket to the big game. Terms & Conditions Andrew O’Brien of Hindsight Wealth is conducting this promotional game. The prize is: A family general admission ticket to the Bronco’s Vs Panthers game. 7.45 p.m Friday 22 July, 2016 at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. Family ticket constitutes (2 adults, 2 children) or (1 adult, 3 children). Draw entrants must be over 18 years of age. A Statement of Advice consultation is a complimentary service. The promotion closes Friday 15th July, 2016. The draw date is Monday 18th July, 2016. The lucky winner will be announced on Andrew O’Brien of Hindsight Wealth business Facebook page and Andrew O’Brien of Hindsight Wealth LinkedIn profile. The winner will be notified via Facebook, email and phone.